Weather in May 2022 in Palmerston North
The average temperature in Palmerston North in May year of 2022 is +15°C. Interesting that the average daytime temperature is as +18°C while the average nightly temperature is +12°C. The May hottest day is the 1st May(Afternoon) with a temperature of about +21°C. The coldest day in Auckland in May 2022 is 12th May(Overnight). The temperature at that time is +3°C.
As a Occasional cloudy month, May 2022 has 10 days with precipitation.
How Sunny Palmerston North Weather in May 2022
The weather in Palmerston North is quite changeable, similarly in many other places in . Talking about Palmerston North weather in May 2022 can be described as "Occasional cloudy".
Clear Sky vs Cloudiness | Occasional cloudy |
Rainy Days(Occasional Showers Included) | 10 |
Maximum Temperature | +21°C (Afternoon, 1st May) |
Minimum Temperature | +3°C (Overnight, 12th May) |
Please find more detailed day by day information about May weather in Auckland in the year 2022 below.