Weather Information
Weather information is provided for your own personal non-commercial use.
Weather-Forecast.NZ provides 14-day and 30-day weather forecasts and information about current weather, observed in New Zealand. The forecasts are prepared by OpenWeatherMap. The Weather Archive has been provided by "Light-Inform Ltd" who accumulated weather data by OpenWeatherMap since 2015.
Forecasts are completely updated on the website four times a day: The current observation is updated every 20 minutes.
Weather forecasts are never 100% accurate. The observed weather conditions often contradict the forecasts. We strongly recommend that you do not rely on this website as the only source of weather information, but consider your life experience and common sense when making decisions. The owner and the staff are not responsible for any damage that may result from the use of information from the website.
Intellectual property
Owner of the website owns all proprietary and intellectual property rights in the Website (including all text, graphics, artwork, photographs, logos, icons, sound recordings and look and feel), the Information, the underlying software and any data or material forming part of the Website, a Service or the Information.
New Zealand, Auckland, St Heliers,