Weather in March 2022 in Palmerston North
The average temperature in Palmerston North in March year of 2022 is +19°C. Interesting that the average daytime temperature is as +23°C while the average nightly temperature is +15°C. The March hottest day is the 22nd March(Afternoon) with a temperature of about +28°C. The coldest day in Auckland in March 2022 is 19th March(Overnight). The temperature at that time is +8°C.
As a Occasional cloudy month, March 2022 has 6 days with precipitation.
How Sunny Palmerston North Weather in March 2022
The weather in Palmerston North is quite changeable, similarly in many other places in . Talking about Palmerston North weather in March 2022 can be described as "Occasional cloudy".
Clear Sky vs Cloudiness | Occasional cloudy |
Rainy Days(Occasional Showers Included) | 6 |
Maximum Temperature | +28°C (Afternoon, 22nd March) |
Minimum Temperature | +8°C (Overnight, 19th March) |
Please find more detailed day by day information about March weather in Auckland in the year 2022 below.